It’s a Doggy Dog World
Dogs are everywhere in Mexico. I have been afraid of them all my life, but things are different here.
El Camino
Here in my new city, when I want to go somewhere there is only one method: my own feet.
Heart High
While far too much has transpired since last I wrote here, suffice to say that I am back in the sun-drenched land of Mexico, having moved (WITH CATS) now twice between countries. I am here to stay, at least until somewhere else beckons even more loudly. But what of this heart?
Piano Hands
A few minutes ago I happened to look at my left pinkie finger. For the first time I noticed that it looks deformed, much as my right pinkie finger does which developed its deformity a few years ago. The middle joints are affected in such a way to cause those fingers to be unable to fully straighten. I said to myself, it’s only a matter of time before all my fingers look like that: claws.
Only the Lonely
I’m lonely as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore. I realized yesterday that I’ve been traumatized by the conditions of my new home. And I kept it inside and really had no one to talk about it with. I kept telling myself I would get used to it, that I committed to living here for a year and that I needed to make good on my commitment.
Wild Winds & Cat Burglars
I moved into my long-term casita rental last Friday. I am getting used to it now, but when I got here several things surprised me, and not in a good way:
This, this aliveness, is what I came here for. I have waited now for over a month to feel what I felt from these sensations.
8:00 pm
It’s getting dark outside, not completely dark but more like the last purple-orange bits of sunset dark, The kind of dark when people can start to see into your windows if you have the lights on. Before I turn the lights on, I close the window blinds, carefully angling them downward so that people below (I’m on the second floor) can’t see in.
Here There Be Tygers**
It took a few weeks of living in Mexico to realize how scared I’ve been. It’s probably residual trauma left from being mugged the first 5 minutes I arrived the LAST time I was in Mexico, which resulted in a broken leg (and the addition of 15 unwelcome pounds), but I think it’s more than that.
Brown Recluse
It’s been weeks now since the “stay at home” orders began. When they started in California I was in a mad rush to pack my earthly belongings, get my car repaired to pass the smog test so I could sell it, and then get across the border to Mexico before it closed. The orders followed in Mexico soon after I arrived.